To summarise the work that we have covered in Coastal Zone Management 2007-2008 we were set the task of undertaking a conflict resolution analysis using the work of the Devon Maritime Forum and another actual or fictional example and evaluating how in both strategic and procedural terms resolution could best be achieved.
For this study I chose to look firstly at the DMF and the reasons behind the strategic management of the coastal zone i.e. social, economic and environmental balance, followed by the United Republic of Tanzania Ministry of Natural Resource and Tourism’s general management plan for Mafia Island Marine Park. My second year thesis was based around some of the management strategies for the marine park and having worked side by side with the marine park and other organisations such as WWF, which were responsible for the terrestrial and community based assessment, I considered my personal knowledge on the strategies for management within this area to be sufficient to evaluate how resolution could be or has been best achieved.
The same rules apply to pretty much every coastal zone area world-wide (balancing the social, economic and environmental needs within that particular area). How different bodies, organisations or governments achieve this is dependent on their own individual needs. Mafia Island Marine Park is based on a small Indo-Pacific Island of the East Coast of Tanzania and local marine resource use, social and economic need and the environmental understanding and awareness of the people is still very basic, therefore their strategies for management must focus heavily on not just dictating what activities or practices are to be prohibited, but also to raise community awareness about why detrimental activities have to be minimised or completely abolished. Stubborn mindedness with regards to the acceptance of change is still a problem in the UK, EU and small island communities such as Mafia, and I believe that resolution lies is the hands of the future generation, in teaching them the art of good evironmental practice, after all, it will soon be them that will have to deal with the outcome of years of environmental degradation.
St.lucia Coastal Waters Documentary (An example of coastal zone issues)
My Future aspiration in the Environmental Sector
My future aspirations for a career in the environmental sector are ever evolving and the more I learn about the subject the bigger the list of aspirations gets. Ideally, I would like to be involved in research, and at this moment in time, money is not one of my major drives. I suppose running my own research project is where I would like to see myself in a few years. Maybe creating a plan for global management! Who knows! I kind of like the whole Indiana Jones scenario. Work as a university professor by week, and go off on the quest for holy environmental grail by weekend!
12 years ago the Fal and Helford River in Cornwall was designated an EU protected reserve or Special Area of Conservation (SAC). At this time a voluntary agreement amoung fishermen to aviod dredging for scallops was established. The agreement failed, and now the government is being accused of allowing the destuction of important biological features within the SAC. As a result proposals have been put forward to close the SAC and re-establish the area as an Experimental Marine Protected Area (MPA). This will mean a complete ban of beam trawing, trawling and scallop dredging from November 2008, however, fishing with a hook and line will still be permitted. The intention of this move is to better manage scallop stocks within the SAC and to investigate whether there may be benefits to scallop populations and fishing outside the SAC.
This a fantastic move forward for UK environmental policies, and will be interesting to see how this effects the biodiversity of the SAC and indeed marine resourses which depend on it. The area is well renound for its excellent diving, and mabye this move will put Falmouth on the world wide diving map, and hopefully provide the local economy the boost it needs.
There are a number of international environmental agreements established to protect the environment in different ways. Many of these are legally binding.
The Habitats Directive (together with the birds Directive) forms an integral part of the European conservation policy. The Natura 2000 network of protected sites and the strict system of species protection form the two pillars that the directive is built around. The directive protects 1000 animals and plant species and around 200 “habitat types of European importance”, such as forest, wetlands and meadow.
The Nature 2000 network of protected sites include Special Areas of Conservation (SACs) and Special Protection Areas (SPAs) and these form a national and internationally important network of protected areas around the European Union.
The Habitats Directive has now been transposed into an English and Welsh law as the Habitats Regulations and the Environment Agency is acting as one of the Competent Authorities responsible for implementing them.
The Habitats Directive is an essential piece of legislation. It enable us to honor and protect the natural world, giving us the tools to holistically manage our environment and sustain features of biological and geological importance. Without such legislation there is the potential for environmental degradation and exploitation and it is in my opinion that more areas need to be classified under the protection and conservation status, and the limits to which we are aloud classify such areas be extended.
"In order to protect the environment, the precautionary approach shall be widely applied by States according to their capabilities. Where there are threats of serious or irreversible damage, lack of full scientific certainty shall not be used as a reason for postponing cost-effective measures to prevent environmental degradation."
The Precautionary Principle is seen as an integral principle of sustainable development, that is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the abilities of future generations to meet their needs. It has become an underlying rationale for a large and increasing number of international treaties and declarations in the fields of sustainable development, environmental protection, health, trade and food safety.
The basic function of Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) is to adopt integrated solutions to complex and inter-related coastal issues. This method of management is aimed at resolving conflicting issues and pressures on the coast.
The UK government defines ICZM as "a process that brings together all those involved in the development, management and use of the coast within a framework that facilitates the integration of their interests and responsibilities. The objective is to establish sustainable levels of economic and social activity in our coastal areas while protecting the coastal environment. ICZM is central to the ecosystem-based approach."
To put it simply, ICZM is a process that promotes the sustainable management of the coastal zone, as well as the integration of social, economic and environmental interests.
The Environmental Liability Directive (ELD) is a directive that follows the polluter pays principle. This means that an operator whose activity has caused environmental damage or the imminent threat of such damage is held financially liable. The directive aims to induce operators to adopt measures and develop practices to minimise the risks of environmental damage so that their exposure to financial liabilities is reduced.
Environmental Damage
Environmental damage can be defined as a measurable adverse change in a natural resource or a measurable impairment or a natural resource. This may include damage to a protected species or natural habitat, water damage, or damage to land, which may cause contamination that may risk human health.
Protected Species
Protected species can be defined as the species and their habitats listed in the annex of the directive.
Conservation Status
Conservation status can be defined as the sum of influences acting on a natural habitat and its typical species that may effect its long-term natural distribution, structure and functions as well as the long-term survival of its typical species within.
Waters are defined as all waters covered by the directive.
Preventative Measures
Preventative measures can be defined as any measures taken in response to an event, act or omission that has created an imminent threat of environmental damage , with a view to preventing or minimising that damage.
Remedial Measures
Remedial measures can be defined as any action, or combination of actions to restore, rehabilitate or replace damaged natural resources.
Baseline Condition
Baseline conditions can be defined as the condition at the time of damage of the natural resources and services that would have existed had the environmental damage not occurred, estimating on the basis of the best information available.
Competent Authority
The competent authority or authorities are defined as authorities which the Member States designate as responsible for performing the duties arising from the ELD.
Critiques of the ELD
When looking at the opinion of organizations such as the RSPB and other conservation groups , there seems to be a lot of skepticism as to whether existing conservation and environmental laws will be strengthened or possibly even weakened by the EDL's implementation.
Some areas of particular importance are:
Member States have the discretion as to whether or not to implement a number of the provisions. The way one of these discretions is exercised could effect the effectiveness of the ELD
The overlapping of EU and national legislation could result in intentional or inadvertent weakness of existing laws
There are many complex definitions within the ELD that need clarification but also provide an opportunity to look for practical solutions to strengthen existing conservation laws
In a nutshell it is the belief of many conservation organizations that the government should work to transpose the legislation to ensure that conservation objectives are enhanced rather that compromised.
As a nation surrounded by water it essential for us to monitor and protect our beaches. They are an integral part of our coastal defenses and with so many coastal areas our seaside towns and villages are faced with a multitude of threats, such as coastal erosion, storm surges and other natural forces. Dependant on their location, beaches can be used as a tool to generate revenue for the local economy, by means of recreation and tourism, and there is also a need to protect our beaches, by monitoring pollution, plant and animal health, and human interactions. These three factors can be summarized in the classifications of Sustainability, health and profitability, and are the fundamental reason for creating a BMP (Beach Management Plan).
It is only by balancing all three of these factors with a strategic approach or co-ordinated plan that we can effectively and holistically manage our beaches. In essence, the question for particular local authorities is “how to deal with the combination of beach usage and users, and their associated conflicts in an environmentally, economic and socially responsible way, whilst allowing for the sustained enjoyment of beach’s desirable features” (Polzeath Beach Management Plan 2006).
To summarise, the BMP should have a conclusive, positive and long-term impact on the beach that it is being applied to. To achieve this we need a comprehensive co-operation of the local community to provide long-term sustainability of the project. The only way this can be delivered is by productive partnerships, committed ownership by deliverers, sustainable planning, and biodiversity appreciation. In tern this should create a better place to live work or visit, with lasting benefits for future generations.
In 2004 the National Trust, owners of Mullion Harbour, commissioned a study to investigate management strategies for the next 100 years. It was structures within the harbour, sustaining a significant amount of damage in the 1990s and general concerns about the increasing frequency of such damage with rising waters and global changes in the Earth's climate that prompted the study. It's purpose was to assist the National Trust in selecting an appropriate strategy for managing the harbour over the next 100 years.
The study objectives were:
To identify practicable strategy options using information on the present harbour condition and predicted wave conditions for the next 100 years.
To provide a technical, environmental and cost assessment of the strategy options and to select with the Trust the most appropriate strategy.
To incorporate stakeholder views in the study and to provide a strategy that is acceptable to the majority of the local community and stakeholders.
The study has included the following elements:
Data collection, incorporating a review of the archive information on the harbour, desk-based review of environmental information and obtaining wave level data.
Field investigations including; bathymetric and topographic surveys, geological investigation, environmental inspection, hydrological investigation, condition assessment using boreholes through the harbour structures and underwater inspection and a survey of the local community.
Analysis of the issue facing the harbour by assessing the wave force acting on the harbour at present and over the next 100 years (with sea level rise) and considering the harbour's present condition.
development of strategy option, which divide into three generic types; major embellishment, repair and maintenance and retreat.
Assessment of the strategy options over the next 100 years, considering sea level rise.
Option selection using a matrix approach to rank the relative merits of the strategy options.
Consultation via a stakeholder group with the local community, regulatory authorities, statutory consultees and regional groups. the consultation has continued throughout the study.
The conclusion to the study is that the maintain and repair until failure option is the preferred management strategy for Mullion over the next 100 years. This option will allow visitors and Trust members to enjoy the harbour for as long as practicable while recognising that the Trust does not have the resources to sustain the harbour indefinitely.
A group of us from the Marine College went over to Mullion Harbour on the 16th of April to talk with Justin Whitehouse, the Natural Trust warden for The Lizard. He explained in detail how the commissioned study had been conducted and how it had led to the conclusions and recommendations for the future management of the harbour. He talked about the various options and the processes that they have to go through to come up with the recommendations. One of the things that I picked up on was the lack of money available to help maintain and protect the harbour, but as global warming and sea level rise are both contributing factors in the damage sustained to the harbour structures, we have to understand that Mullion is just one part in the whole scheme of things. Global warming and sea level rise is threatening nearly every coastal town, village and city on national, international and global level. The funding From organisations such as the National Trust can only stretch so far and we must understand that priority for funding has to be given to the areas with heavy populations, or which have economic importance. It's a harsh realisation to think that our future generations may not get to enjoy these beautiful and historic places the same as we have, but we are the ones creating our future and we are only ones that have the power to change things for the better.
In the up and coming months Falmouth in Cornwall will see a new and exciting development on the horizon. Port of Falmouth Marina promises to offer 300 births and currently under assessment a new new cruise ship terminal, which will enable the larger and more exclusive cruise ships to enter the harbour and visit the historic town. The marina will be protected by a six meter wide floating breakwater, with high freeboard, large power outlets a drive on facility for the provision of Superyachts.
This new development promises to be the first vital phase in a major regeneration programme for the area which will see new investment bringing benefits, not just for Falmouth, but the whole of Cornwall.
Drystan Jones has been appointed manager. He previously managed the Ocean Village Marina at Southhampton and the Mylor Yacht Harbour Marina in Cornwall and one of his first responsibilities is to represent Falmouth Port Marina at Collins Stewart London Boat Show at ExCel, where interest in the new facility is expected to be strong.
A talk, tour and graphical presentation of the proposed Marina development conducted by the marina manager (Drystan Jones) on the 23rd of April, provided my environmental management colleagues and I with a clear understanding of where this development is actually going. It's hard to be cynical about the development, because it is so exciting and it will bring many benefit to the community. My only worry is the potential for environmental and biological Degradation. Firstly the need to dredge the harbour to give the larger ship access seems to me like a recipe for disaster, also Large ships have the potential to not only cause damage to the sea bed and sediment, but also bring with them in ballast, a range of invasive and potentially harmful species. My worry is how this development will affect not only the environment, but also the livelihoods of those dependent on the natural resources within the Fal River and surrounding areas.
Per year the UK produces around 330 million tonnes of waste, (The Environment Agency). A quarter of this waste can be accounted for from business and households. The rest comes from construction and demolition, sewage sludge, farm waste and spoils from mines and dredging rivers. It is important to manage this waste appropriately, in a way that will protect the environment and safeguard human health. The Environment Agency has come up with a set of regulations to help us do so.
The first step in managing our waste is to ascertain what is recyclable or what can be composted. These could be materials such as paper, cardboard, glass or organic waste.
The second step is to assess any waste that could be hazardous, such as paint or inc.
The third step is to separate all hazardous waste, such as lead, acid and oils and dispose of in a way that complies with waste management regulations.
If you are a business or simply a household, the same basic rules apply. If you throw away hazardous waste, such as paints, oils, television sets and asbestos, you must do this at properly managed waste facilities. Your local council will be able to advise how and where.
For businesses it is important to register as a hazardous waste producer. At around £18 per premise the cost is fairly low, but failure to register could land you up with a hefty fine, or even a custodial sentence!
As well as the disposal of hazardous waste, there are also regulations for moving hazardous wastes. In order to move waste you must obtain certain consignment notes. These notes are specific to where and how you wish to move them i.e. moving waste using a pipeline from a ship, or cross-border movements.
You may wish to use a waste contractor to take your waste away. In which case it is important to know that until the waste is disposed of properly it is still the responsibility of the waste producer and fly tipping is a common offense by non-reputable companies. For this reason, finding an authorised waste carrier is essential.
If you are the receiver of any hazardous waste it is your responsibility to send the Environment Agency a consignee return. This is a detailed summary of all hazardous waste that the consignee has received or deposited, as well as the consignments the consignee has rejected. For any movements of hazardous waste, including receiving, transport, storage, disposal or recovery it essential to keep records and maintain a register.